Former Adelaide Football Club board director Paul Rofe QC passed away yesterday, aged 65.

Mr Rofe, who was a prominent criminal barrister and South Australia’s first Director of Public Prosecutions, joined the Adelaide Football Club Board of Directors in mid-1999 to fill a casual vacancy. He resigned from the Board at the end of 2006.

The Board of the Adelaide Football Club and the entire Adelaide Football Club community are saddened to hear of Paul’s passing. 

Former Crows chief executive officer and chairman Bill Sanders said Paul had been an integral part of the Crows Board.

“It was a period of great change for the Adelaide Football Club, with considerable growth and several important capital projects in play,” he said.

“Paul provided a very sharp mind around the Board table and his expertise was not confined to legal matters. He had a very incisive mind and the ability to quickly weigh up situations.”