It was 1998 and Sonya Rose can remember being in primary school with two SA-based AFL Clubs in the competition.

Despite this, one Club - the Crows - won the Premiership that year, and although many of her friends supported the Club’s crosstown rivals, Rose was never going to switch allegiances.

For Rose, the Crows were the Club that would always have her heart.

“I have been a Crows fan ever since I can remember,” Rose, who now lives in NSW, said.

“I grew up in South Australia and ever since I could follow football, I was following the Crows.

“In very late primary school for me, the Crows won their two Premierships, so it became a very big love from then.

“My family was Crows supporters, so certainly I initially became a supporter because of my family, but Port came into the League around that same late primary school time, but as a young kid, it was all Crows.”

Two-time Adelaide Premiership Skipper Mark Bickley quickly became Rose’s favourite player and gave her one special memory she will always remember. 

“My earliest memory is probably the 1998 Premiership and I was a big fan of Mark Bickley,” Rose said.

“Having him as the Skipper, then and watching that win with Bickley lifting the Premiership Cup up was pretty amazing.

“I’ve loved the Crows since I was young and I’ve been a Member for about 10 years now.”

Living in NSW sometimes makes it tough to get to games and keep up with the Club news, but Rose says she enjoys going to Crows games when they play in Sydney.

“Unfortunately I don’t get to Adelaide for many games but whenever the Crows come to Sydney I ensure I am there,” Rose said.

“We just grab as much Crows gear as we can before the game and flags as we can and head to the game wherever it is in Sydney.

“Even though we are a smaller part of the crowd, because you’re in the zone where there’s more Crows supporters the atmosphere is amazing.

“Being in the zone with everyone who is there for the same purpose is great.”