The Crows Leaders Program is a unique Leadership Development program from leading sporting organisation, the Adelaide Crows.

Leveraging the insights from players, coaches and key leaders, the Crows Leaders Program is a structured learning experience which provides critical management and leadership skills, and a nationally accredited qualification.

“I would have added millions to my business bottom line if I had done this course 10 years ago. It really opened my mind to a different perspective on business.” - Founder Dave Benson Caravans & 2009 Crows FLM program participant Dave Benson

Lessons in sport do translate to business life. This was confirmed for the Crows last year when they partnered with Right Turn in the delivery of a unique development program to a group of managers wanting to develop their leadership skills. In 2010 Right Turn and the Adelaide Football Club strengthened their partnership to deliver the Diploma of Management. The Adelaide Football Club provides unprecedented access to a multitude of resources to ensure that the learning is engaging, relevant and real. Listen to high calibre speakers including CEO Steven Trigg, Senior Coach Neil Craig, Football Manager Graeme Dunstan and Players Scott Stevens and Andy Otten. The course is presented in a variety of learning environments, creating a real life scenario where modern leadership principles are brought to life, including training rooms, coaches’ box, corporate lounges and the new Westpac Training Facility.

“The club’s renewed commitment to the public leaders program in 2010 reflects the significant benefits participants’ received from the program last year. It was really gratifying for us to see people from such a broad range of interests taking away ideas on how to improve their own success from hearing our approach to areas ranging from coaching to continuous improvement”. - Adelaide Football Club CEO Steven Trigg

During the program, Right Turn will challenge you in your thinking. We create a safe environment for you to engage in dialogue and participate in a range of activities to ensure that you are fully engaged in the learning process, which does not stop at the end of the course. We encourage life-long learning. Participants are provided with:

• A resource bank that will act as an effective tool box for your ongoing career development.
• Qualified coaching at various touch-points throughout the course.
• A workplace improvement initiative where concepts of the course bring direct benefits to the sponsoring company
• An inside look at one of the most successful AFL clubs / businesses in Australia.
• An amazing opporunity to develop networks and build relationships with other outstanding business leaders.

Program Structure
The program will involve ten sessions of one day per month in the brand new Crows Training and Entertainment Facility, working with a like-minded group of people, considering new ideas and concepts, taking advice from club leaders and the experienced facilitation team from Right Turn. You will work on issues of concern to you, developing practical solutions and strategies. Between meetings, you will have coaching support as you work through a workplace improvement initiative, to deliver real returns to your enterprise.

For registration of interest, enrolment or further information, phone 08 8357 7788, email or go to